I made those

      Whilst we were out on patrol at the weekend, the boss in the turret and me driving, we felt the irresistible pull of the notices headed 'Village Produce Fair'.
      Picture the scene; the professionally presented runner beans, potatoes, tomatoes, leeks and onions all grown, fed and nursed to perfection with secret fertilisers in the dark corners of gardens and allotments. There were cakes, pasties, sausage rolls all beautifully presented and all laid out to impress the viewing public. There was even a craft section dispaying some superb needlework and artwork
      The real stars however were the children's cakes and biscuits and the few superb chillies on display. The intensity of the decoration on the cakes and biscuits was an absolute delight and we loved the faces on the biscuits. There were even rubber gloves for handling the hottest of the chillies with surgical care. 
      Now, here's a couple of questions. How many pounds of sweets were needed to make the cakes and how many pints of cool ale to cool the chilli growers? Later that evening we answered the ale question and it seemed to be about three pints of IPA!
