Shades of green

      This medley of green vegetables has just been freshly picked ready to be dropped next to yet more produce in the small farm shop near us.
      There is so much that can be made from the cabbage, romanesco and cauliflower but where do we start? Perhaps with bubble and squeak for the cabbage? A photograph of the romanesco fractals? Spiced cauliflower bhaji? A glorious combination to be added to a piccalilli?
      Vegetables as fresh as this can be eaten when raw or cooked. In fact it's hard to keep your fingers out when they're being prepared. Go anywhere in the world and if they grow any of these vegetables there'll be a different and exotic way of cooking them.
      The thought of bubble and squeak with eggs, bacon, mushrooms and a pot of tea is making me hungry.
      Ah well, back to my cereal!
