Fire in your belly

      The last of the outdoor chilli crop has been harvested to escape the cooling winds and they will have to ripen indoors for a while to allow the majority to attain a lovely red hue.
      The crop is destined for home-made sweet chilli sauce although the finished output will not last right through until next summer. One thing that we can be certain of is that the winter cupboard will raided, looted and pillaged for the sauce by family and friends. The mixed varieties will all go into the sauce: Jalapeno, Apache, Ventura, Fairy Lights, Rooster Spur and a few sneaky Habaneros to liven up proceedings a little.
      As the nights draw in it will soon be time to light the fire and pore over the seed catalogues to make a selection for next year and joy of joys, greenhouse catalogues in order to find a suitable lean-to greenhouse to go on the south facing wall of the house.
      Right, light the fire, pour a beer and start poring over the catalogues.
      Decisions, decisions.
