We spotted this midget gem whilst out on patrol, the boss in the turret me driving and on our way to Freddies, our favourite delicatessen in Downham Market.
At first sight we thought it was a bus stop but further investigation and exploration yielded the truth. It's a farm shop cunningly camouflaged as a hedge with the post box for the farm inside and what looks like a seat as you speed past is, in fact, the produce display shelf. The window at the back gives a view of the interior of the hedge to the rear and the green shop is clipped to perfection and blended into the rest of the hedge.
Sadly the fruit and salad season is past but watch this space for the first view of the farm's produce display in the Spring.
The big questions are; is it art, topiary, retail design, shed world, a folly, gardener's humour or an eco shop? We think that it's all seven and probably a few more besides.