Not Route 66 but a photograph of the HUD, (Head Up Display), taken from the turret by the boss. I was driving but we were standing still at the time, we were on the road to hell otherwise known as the M25. If you look closely you can see the stationary traffic disappearing into the distance.
Never mind though, this was a timely reminder about one of the reasons for moving up to West Norfolk. Even the weather helped us out of Norfolk too, a blanket of thick fog shrouding everything so we couldn't see the landscape we were going to miss for a few days; this meant there were no comments like 'look at that river' and 'oh to get amongst those pigeons'. Cue sigh of relief from the turret.
Ah well we're back, the fire is burning and a pint of Speckled Hen poured and we're catching up on two episodes of The Killing. It's a relief that we were not doomed to forever drive around the M25 like some modern version of the Ancient Mariner.
We didn't get stuck in the1970's garden either, see Tuesday's post, but more of that in the future.