A trip back to the 'homeland', now known as Teesside and some early Jack Russell Terrier appearances in my linocuts.
Above in yellow is a detail from 'The Black Path'. The black path ran near the Middlesbrough docks and through the steelworks. There used to be a bone market near here where they crushed bones from the slaughter house for fertiliser and glue manufacturing. It smelt pretty awful, but was perfect for terriers hunting rats and for gathering maggots for fishing.
The print below, in red, shows some allotments near Hartlepool and the rodent control king is posing for the artist at the end of a row of red cabbages while the gadgies are thinking about a trip to the working men's club and a pint of lovely 'Fed'.
'Gadgies" by the way were always older people who tried to stop you doing what you wanted to do when you wanted to do it; whether it was gathering maggots in the bones or patrolling allotments to find 'free' fruit. A night watchman was always a 'gadgie' too. So now you know.
An Observation and a Guide to the Jack Russell Terrier can be purchased from the Two Terriers as a signed and numbered copy from an edition of 350 for £31.95 including post and packing in the UK only. Postal and Airmail charges vary for the USA, Australia, New Zealand and Europe.
Contact us by email on jarsue159@btinternet.com or telephone 01945 773850 for further information or contact us through the blog.
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