In the beginning they started to feature in my linocuts about life in the North East of England in an almost subliminal manner and to also be one of the subjects on Christmas cards.
Gradually over the years our interest and great love for the Jack Russell Terrier grew; a dog incidentally that thinks it's the size of a barn. They featured in many prints and have eventually become the subject of a printed book, 'The Observation and Guide to the Jack Russell Terrier'. I have even started on the linocuts for a second volume of the terrier book. In the prints they are often tucked away in the background, being walked, cadging treats or simply reflecting the mood of their owners as depicted in the illustrations above.
I think it is safe to say they are definitely here to stay in both the house and the prints.
Contact us by email on or telephone 01945 773850 for further information or contact us through the blog.
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