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Angler's views of waterland
A few quick photographs of a pike anglers view of 'waterland' or the Fenland river and dyke landscape. They have all been taken on lovely crisp sunny days so at some stage I'll have to complement these with some photographs that have been taken on some more normal stormy, windy and wet winter days.
That shouldn't be too difficult.
Fenland has a landscape that people seem to either love, hate or are simply curious about. When you live here and even though it is now only our sixth year in The Fens it gradually gets under your skin, when you return from a journey a sense of peace steadily creeps back into you as the skies grow bigger and the land flatter and the calming water appears.
Those incredible skies make you almost feel as if you are at sea, certainly the bumpy roads do. You can see the weather changes coming so if you are an addicted weather and a cloud watcher it certainly beats the television.
Right that is it, I'm going to have to get out there and go pike fishing even though I feel very small and insignificant in the landscape.
It's the only way to be.
Lovely pictures John. I love those skies, it's a real pike anglers landscape - love it! Drove home through snow last night on my way home from the river - cracking afternoon and plenty of roach. TTFN Dickie