My new feathered friends

      We've been working away on the front garden and the compost bins at the back of the house are always being opened and closed. Needless to say those great opportunists of the bird world, the robins, are always on for a raid on the insects and worms that live and work in there.
      Over the last week a pair of robins, who appear to be nesting in the hedge or in the old shed behind the compost bins, have become progressively bolder and they chirp away to be allowed into the compost bins for a feed. Now, as a bonus, they are gradually working their through the unused end of the fishing season maggots and casters.
      They will come to within a couple of feet of my hand but so far they haven't landed on my fingers but we'll keep working on one another to establish a bit of trust.
      The West Norfolk robin whisperer doesn't give up.
