Hi-vis ladies

      There she is right out in the field and as bold as you like. She's pointing at the area of the field where the pigeons have been digging and trying to get their beaks into the freshly sown spring wheat.
      We aren't sure what is scarier, the hi-vis jacket, the pointing, the bright white legs or maybe it's the fact that she isn't wearing any knickers. Mannequins are, apparently, the newest scarecrow fashion and even ratty and dog-eared versions are fetching sixty pounds or more for use as bird scarers, mind you 32g of shot through a twelve gauge works just as well.
      At the other end of the field her friend, the lady in red, has been tasked with the same brief to scare those pigeons away, but the pose suggests more of trying to hitch a lift on a tractor.
      They've both got a little more class than bangers on a string but comments on old bangers aren't needed thank you.


  1. Bet Steve wishes he could get out of that window....

  2. He's still supping his Lemsip! He might want a bit more flesh on show......


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