Two different moonscapes


      At the top is a moonscape that is really the texture of the soil in a field after cultivation to improve the tilth before the sowing of spring wheat. This section is the piece of headland where the tractor turns and also where the tractor enters and leaves the field.
     When the soil is wind dried like this the surface of the soil always reminds me of those pictures from the Moon or Mars Rovers but I can't see any London buses or World War 2 German Bombers, or were they only on the dark side of the Moon? Below is a nearby field that looks untended but is going to be planted with potatoes in the next few days.
     We'll record the change from the deep ploughing you see here, ploughing that has overwintered to allow the frost, rain and wind break the soil down, to the neatness of the furrows when the seed potatoes are planted.
      Or maybe those NASA photographs are really a set of pictures from the moon that were actually taken in West Norfolk...


  1. It's mostly rape flowers, limed flatness and depth ridged potatoes here


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