The old orchards where we walk the two Jack Russell terriers are really overgrown but despite the jungle the crop of Grenadier and Bramley cooking apples are looking really promising.
The Grenadiers will mature first, in a month or so, for their very short season before they turn into really sharp eating apples. Later on we have the Bramleys and we have been told not to pick them when they are green, the way they are sold in the supermarkets. The farmer tells us to let them get some red on them before we pick, then they will be at their best.
It is going to be a fight through the nettles, convolvulus and cow parsley all for ten minutes picking time followed by the well known, hour long game, of 'find the terrier.' It's quite strange that two terriers that are able to make such a racket can be so quiet when it suits them.
They'll be in there somewhere and nowhere as easy to find as they are on the headlands.
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