Cleaning your culvert

      We love a large piece of complex machinery, it doesn't matter whether it's a tractor. combine, plough, sugar beet harvester or a potato harvester. So, just to keep the collection and theme going here's a monster dyke cleaner.
      It isn't really for cleaning all of the dyke just the culverts under driveways and lawns so that the water keeps moving down the dyke, into the drains, and then into the main drain and on to the sea.
      It's a serious piece of kit too with the power that it unleashes blasting the sludge out and then pulling it back to an open area for removal. Apparently it is not to be used on terracotta land drains because it simply smashes them to pieces.
      Another piece of equipment that keeps the fens dry and, just for the connoisseur, there's a tasteful glimpse of Norfolk Bog Door Blue in the background brightening up a grey day.
      It combines beautifully with the Hi-Viz overalls too. Lovely.

