Never give up on dawn

      It was good to see dawn and the sunrise last week after a succession of grey days. Every morning I stagger downstairs around six fifteen or six thirty, turn the kettle on and shove the two Jack Russell Terriers out for their first pee of the day.
      On some mornings they're not quite so keen to go outside, notably those delightful wet and windy mornings, but on a morning like the one in the photograph above they're out for a pee and a little spot of barking as quick as a flash.
      It just goes to show, even terriers appreciate dawn in her finery. To keep a balance between morning and evening here's a shot showing the evening before.


  1. Beauties John. I see Steve is still in that window....

  2. He's keeping up that Goth tradition. Schteve MacLaren to us! Sue and I have the dreaded cough, sore throat, aches, temperature while Sue's 98year old mum can't see what the problem is. gargle with TCP is the prescription, I'd rather gargle with whisky. Still out saturday at a new drain. John
    PS ring and come for a coffee or whatever.

  3. Hope the TCP and whisky works. .

  4. Ignored the TCP and still working on the whisky


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