Beginning and end

      The last day of November and there isn't much to choose between the two views at the beginning and end of the day. At the top we have the view to the east at around 07.20 on Wednesday morning complete with my muse, the transformer box.
      Below? Well that's the view from the front garden at around 16.15 and if you are into florid skies and also some subtle colours you can enjoy these two skyscapes to your hearts content. There are no dramatic cloud formations just those two lovely ladies dawn and dusk slugging it out to be top of the dramatic red sky competition.
      You simply can't beat a little bit of early morning and late evening meteorological exhibitionism.


  1. Indeed you can't TT - love this weather, brass monkey's last night and not much better today, white frost everywhere, the call goes up "get that wood burner lit" oh and pass the port too Gramps! TTFN Dickie


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