Fly tipping and a fen fire

      The phantom has struck again but this time it isn't domestic rubbish but what looks like builders rubbish dropped from a tipper truck on a fenland drove with some rubbish on the 
field and the rest on the drove. What mucky lazy buggers they are. In fact there are large water filled ruts on this drove so why didn't they fill those instead?
      On second thoughts don't answer that.
      Down below is yet another heap but this one must be legally tipped, well we hope it is, and it has the makings of a proper fen fire just waiting to happen, it will be some blaze when it finally gets ignition.
      There's fleece, plastic, plastic trays, plastic crates, polythene and goodness knows what in that heap. The pall of smoke will look like an oil fire when it finally does go up, in fact the firelighter will probably be a litre or two of red diesel.


  1. Perhaps the ingredient assembled and ready to make some industrial hue bog shed door blue?


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