Now I know that the British really are quite obsessed with the weather.
Absolutely any aspect of the weather too be it clouds, wind, rain, fog it's simply any part of the weather at anytime and any place. So for your delectation here's dusk at the end of a wonderful Sunday followed by dawn the next day, August Bank Holiday Monday to be precise.
I'd climbed out of bed, checked out of the window to see what the weather was like and it was sunny and clear. Tea was brewed and I decided to sit out outside and enjoy some early sunshine with the two Jack Russell Terriers while enjoying the first cup of the day only to be greeted by a wall of fog advancing across the fen towards the house. Then in a mere twenty minutes all of the fog had melted away and there was the sun in a clear blue sky again.
It's just another aspect of the meteorological cinema that we get every day in Fenland.
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