The first studio tack board

      Sir Peter Blake has produced a few versions and editions of his Studio Tack Board themed prints but here's one that he didn't do. I found this photograph on a spare memory card that I took to Spain as a back-up and completely forgot about it, but having found the card and had a look at what was on it this curio stood out like a sore thumb. It was on a landing at a house where we stayed in Murcia and all of the cards and flyers pinned on the cork tack-board are for old films that they used to show in the big room in the house.
      There are publicity flyers and cards for films starring Clark Gable, Merle Oberon, Spencer Tracy, James Cagney, Greta Garbo and lots, lots more, it's a collection fit for any movie buff. Below, well there's a slightly more recent poster and the film wasn't made that far from the house.
      Cue the well known music.
