Blossom time

      There's one thing about the month of May, it's all a bit showy and colourful with the blossom putting on a real over-the-top display in all of the colour combinations you could ever wish for.
      This morning when I went to put some cardboard in the recycling bin by the back gate the heady smell of hawthorn blossom nearly knocked me out, then when I stood for a moment the sound of the hoverflies and bees was just a steady buzzing drone. Very relaxing. When autumn comes this bush is always smothered in shiny red berries and the sound is that of the birds squabbling over the red haws.
      Next to the hawthorn is a laburnum that also looks fantastic although they are a little out of favour because of the poisonous seeds that come in the autumn in black pea pods.
      As long as the weather doesn't turn violent with high winds and heavy rains we should get three or four more days of this colourful pleasure.


  1. I'd love a laburnum next to my californian liliac but that wouldn't be wise with inquisitive chilrden...


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