A good bed

      There's nothing at the waterside that looks and sounds like a really lush and green bed of Norfolk reed. Last years dead stems tap and rattle away and the new green growth rustles and swishes in the wind.
      Above those ambient sounds there is the non-stop song of the reed warblers, never was a bird more aptly named, it's a bit of a sleek LBJ but the warbling song never stops and in the dense reed growth you are very lucky to even see one. If there is no wind you will see the tips of the stems twitch as the birds manoeuvre around but that is it.
      The dense growth provides great cover for the ducklings too, cover that gives them a chance of survival when the carrion crows come come quartering the dykes looking to pick up an easy duckling meal.O this dyke the first hatch of eggs produced ten ducklings and only two have survived but with the rampant cover the second clutch will have a higher success rate.
      All-in-all it's a bit of a city in there and just as dangerous.


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