Being prepared

      One of our farmer friends takes his preparations for winter very, very seriously indeed. Once a week throughout the summer he saws and splits logs with an almost religious zeal.
      Already he has a growing pile of small logs in a corner of one of his empty buildings, then in another corner are slightly larger logs on a growing pile and nearest the door a heap of seasoned split pear wood.

      In yet another building is a small mountain of logs that were once a Bramley apple tree, they're bone dry having been seasoning outdoors for eight years or more. This lovely pile is yet to be put on the saw-bed and cut to the preferred length and then split to a manageable size for the fire.
      When we have three feet of snow he'll be well prepared, cosy and warm so he can indulge in one of his favourite past-times, namely making toast in front of the fire. I can already smell the woodsmoke and the toast. Be prepared as someone once said.
      Log envy? Me? Never.


  1. Busy indeed.....looks like my daughter and son in laws place.
    They only use wood to heat their home, and we get some tough winters.

  2. They must work shifts to keep the stove burning, that is some discipline.


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