Cracked wheat

      The small wheat field by the orchard looks absolutely fantastic, despite the weather. When I took the photographs earlier on Monday morning it was a modest 67 degrees but by lunchtime it had reached 82 degrees on the shaded mercury thermometer.
      This particular strain of spring wheat is now waist high and in all probability the field will not start to turn golden and ripen for another couple of weeks. The cracks in the dry soil in the wheelings are running right through the field now and getting ever wider but at least the wheat hasn't started to burn with the rainless weather, some gentle and steady rain showers overnight would be useful but I simply cannot see that happening.

      One thing I did find on the early morning walk with the two Jack Russell Terriers is that the first of the plums, the Laxton's Early, are just starting to turn so there will be a real feast to be had this weekend. Fresh plums straight from the tree, there'll be jam to make and plum tart too, served warm with ice cream of course.
      All-in-all it's an exciting time of the year and for the terriers there's rooting and scenting to be done.
