Thistledown. Everywhere there's thistledown

      It must be something to with the weather but everywhere that you look thistledown is blowing around on what is basically a non-existent breeze. Should a serious breeze begin to blow and it really will seem to be everywhere, two or three hundred feet up in the air, in the car grille, on window sills and masses caught up in all the spider's webs too, the finches are happily feasting on the seeds too.
     Talk about a brilliant seed carrying system on those 'parachutes', they must travel for miles and miles. They seem to ride the thermals like the buzzards and the other birds of prey turning and twisting and looking to land on some fertile ground.
      Who knows how many millions of seeds are produced by a bed of thistles but the distribution system is brilliant and with those numbers the odds have been swayed a little towards some successful germination in fertile ground.
