A smelly Jack Russell

      A terrier disgraces herself. We were out on the evening walk when a movement on the other side of the dyke caught Lucie's eye and down the sloping bank she went expecting to run across what looked like a solid green surface but the solid surface was slime and duckweed. Despite whistles and calls to return the hunting instinct was turned up to the maximum setting, or in the case of any Jack Russell the default setting.
      She seemed to walk on water for brief second before going down into the sludge and slime. the face was a picture, the water must have been freezing cold and her eyes went like dinner plates. There were shades of Tom and Jerry in the expression and the smell of vegetable decomposition was truly horrible.
     When we got back the tail never stopped wagging and muck was being worn like campaign medal, even when being washed in the utility room sink. After one wash, four towels and a major floor mopping exercise we were back to normal.
      Whatever that might be.