Some new neighbours next door

      For some reason the field at the front of the house hasn't been cultivated yet although I can't think that it will be left fallow, after all the land has to work hard for its living. Yesterday morning I was standing at the landing window when I thought I could see a couple of deer huddled up on the soil and they weren't moving, just using their brilliant camouflage and watching the world go by.
       I decided that the trusty Leica binoculars were needed to be sure and when I focussed in on what I thought were a pair of muntjac it turned out it was a pair of hares, great camouflage though.
      I've seen them twice more, once on the move cavorting around and once more in a huddle keeping out of the chilly wind. It's good to see them out there because they are under siege from man and disease, so here's hoping they manage raise a family.
