Our up-to-date scarecrow ladies are back again. They're both dressed in split skirts, very foxy, and yellow High Visibility jackets. Well there's nothing quite like being at the front of a new fashion trend, well so I'm told anyway. Whatever the style issues they do seem to work really efficiently in their allotted task of keeping the wood pigeons off the farmers freshly drilled and sprouting peas.
Talking of shooting, I was hoping to see some of the aerial piranha on the peas because I do like pigeon breast, in a pie or just with gravy with peas and mash. The carcasses make great stock too but so far between the lady three hundred yards away from this one and the four buzzards that are always circling over the fields of peas and the pair of sparrow hawks I haven't got a single cartridge away yet.
My chance will come, I'm sure of it.
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