It's spring and the birds are nesting and in the world of the corvids, Magpies, Jays and Crows there is plenty of fast food to be foraged when you are nest building and your mate is sitting on the eggs.
The songbirds have a hard time with these opportunists and in some urban areas, Berkshire for instance where we used to live, the songbirds were decimated by the corvids and in particular the thieving Magpies. The nests of Blackbirds, Thrushes, Chaffinches, Goldfinches and pretty well every other birds nests are fair game to these bullies and they've started already.
I found two eggs on the front lawn that had been cleaned out, one I think was from a Dove and the other might be from a Partridge or Pheasant but I'm not sure. When the eggs hatch the twittering of the nestlings is a giveaway and that's when the real carnage begins. However be warned Magpies a reckoning is coming, the Larsen Traps are out and then your style will be cramped and your wings clipped.
After that there's always the twelve and twenty gauge equipment.
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