The weird weed

      I assume that the plant is a weed and some escaped rarity, I've been checking books and the internet but I can't find any reference of it but I'm probably seeing it and missing it.
      I first saw it when I was out walking the two Jack Russell Terriers, needless to say they weren't bothered about my obsession, but the appearance piqued my interest. The plant is around three feet high and the leaves about as big as my hand or maybe slightly larger.

       The interesting thing is the spiky horse chestnut-like seed heads, they're about the size of a walnut and when ripe the compartments inside are full of large black seeds that are obviously sprinkled and scattered by the motion of the wind shaking the plant. With the amount of seeds available there'll be a forest of them next year.
      The plants nearest neighbours were a couple of Deadly Nightshade plants but I don't know if that is actually a large hint to stay away from the mystery plant. It's a very impressive thing though and it was still there when I walked the terriers on Sunday evening.
      More research needed into the 'Triffid' I think.

      Stop Press. One of my sentries on Hadrian's Wall in the far north of the country has communicated by beacon and signal fire to tell me that the 'Weird Weed' is Datura Stramonium more commonly known as the Thorn Apple. All parts of the plant are poisonous and hallucinogenic so I think I'll stick with a brew made using hops.


  1. Hope the link works ! I think it's Thorn Apple

  2. John L, Thanks for your email, I found three more tonight walking the Terriers. It's all very John Wyndham! I also found more Deadly Nightshade too as well as Woody Nightshade. A bit like buses, nothing for ages and then dozens! All the best, John

  3. Ha! Was just about to post Thorn Apple when I see you know! We found one down here a few years ago by one of the nature ponds - amazing things! TTFN Dickie


  4. I see more of them now I know about them. Strange. John


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