Another session. Another blank

      A little leave granted by the management and a couple of hours to spend chasing perch out on the fen. There wasn't a strong wind blowing but at the top of the bank what wind there was a chilly edge to it and during the course of the afternoon it got progressively colder and colder as the weather forecast lived up to its promise.
      Although some rain was supposed to arrive in the form of showers at least I dodged the cold water and while sorting the gear out and tackling up I changed my plans and decided to fish for pike instead. A major tactical error as it turned out

      The chosen tactics were a wobbled dead roach and over three hours only one pike showed any interest but after the initial tug and tweak at the bait no run developed and after walking for a mile or so I changed my method and decided to fish with a deadbait, a smelt in fact, and I can report that there was absolutely no interest registered in either that or a roach dead bait.

      When I returned to the car my hands were so cold that initially I couldn't turn the ignition key, it's strange how the cold sneaks up on you particularly in your hands. I've never ever worn gloves when I'm fishing but I think the day is approaching when I will have to give in.
      As my friend Stephen says, 'keep on keeping on', luck has to change at some point and as a famous General once said 'I'll shall return'.


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