Spot the KC135

      Tuesday morning and just after being dragged through the back gate by the two terriers for their early morning walk we had an enforced stop while I photographed this lonely KC155 Stratotanker from the 100th Air Refuelling Wing at RAF Mildenhall climbing slowly up into the wide blue yonder.
     It wasn't lonely for long because two more followed at five minute intervals heading north in the clear blue sky. There must have been a serious exercise on to have three up there at once forming a fuel station in the sky, think of all those gallons, or tonnes, of fuel flying over your head.
      I didn't see them return later in the day because the cloud cover had filled in the view of blue sky and the wind had swung through 180 degrees altering take-off and landing direction. Remember, in front of every jet, every fighter and every transport aircraft at some point there is a tanker.
