Brown Turkey, blue sky, white clouds

      A lovely evening and it's a pleasure to see a potentially good crop of figs on the tree. There has been the fig version of the 'June drop' which has weeded out the weaker part of the crop and much to the delight of the two Jack Russells the windfalls make easy pickings.
      The trouble is that they have both developed a taste for the figs and are snaffling the lower fruits that they are able to reach, reaching up and just picking them off one by one.
      Now they do love the sweeter apples in the orchard and even the odd plum, but figs? No wonder they are so quick off the mark.


  1. They might need to go to Clench-warton..i'll get my coat.


  2. Straight from the pier at Cromer. I love it. They do love figs though. At the moment it's plums and unripe apples...

  3. We have had the June drop TT - is that normal? Lost loads, but thankfully our two not got "wind" of it, I think the birds beat them to it - hardly any on the trees now. Hope all well, ttfn D

  4. Good to hear from you Dickie, The 'June Drop' is totally normal. Some of our neighbours are retired fruit farmers and the phenomenon affects plums, apples, pears and figs. nature's way of removing the weak I suppose. They fall to the ground and the mice and other small rodents get an early feast. Take care, all the best, John


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