A quick Friday afternoon pike fishing session down the drain, in a manner of speaking of course, because no fishing time is wasted time. It was sunny, windy and cloudy all at once so it was absolutely typical fenland weather. A few of Uncle Sam's finest screamed overhead heading back to RAF Lakenheath and then the peace descended with just the sound of wind and water although the drainage board had taken a good foot of water out of the system and that's a lot of water to move so I was hoping that it wouldn't affect the fishing too much.
After about half and hour a pike ripped into the drifted dead roach, the fish was about six or seven pounds but it was a fish and I was up and running. Then, a short while later an absence of a take but another fish on that spat the bait out within thirty seconds. Wind in, re-bait and re-cast and drift the bait again. About thirty yards away and the float slowly sank from view and steadily motored away, wind-down and the fish was on and it was a pike with attitude and some strength.
The fish stayed deep and this battle went on for about fifteen minutes until the pike decided to show itself with a spectacular tail-walk and a colossal splash as it fell back into the water. Finally landed after just over fifteen minutes the fish measured fortyfour and a quarter inches long and the Avon scales showed 25.9lbs, she ejected a few small roach and Rudd which would have affected the final weight but who cares, a beautifully marked fish that swam off strongly when she was returned to the drain. I think that it's time for a celebratory beer.
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