A very first expedition to the riverbank for our third grandson and his comment when we caught our first fish, 'genius grandad'. Hopefully we've got a convert who'll enjoy fishing for the rest of his life. We caught Roach, Bream, Dace, small Barbel and a small Carp but they were monsters to a four year old. Then when we packed up there were tears along with the inevitable 'why can't we stay here' request. Hopefully it'll become a lifelong hobby when he's a bit older and now the Boss and I are going to buy him a short pole and make him some rigs up.
The trip was my first for eighteen months so it was just as exciting and as much of an adventure for me after being in the tender and wonderful care of the NHS, God bless them. On the way home a refreshing beer in the beer garden of the nearby pub and a photograph of one we didn't catch earlier. Wonderful.